What is the difference between GVVA and TWV permits?


Answers ( 3 )

  1. Kiran Kumar

    Though both seem similar, identifying under which permit you come under is tricky. I hope this answer clarifies your doubts. 
     GVVA :
    A combined permit for work and stay.
    Both employer and employee can apply.
    The employer needn’t be a recognized sponsor. 
     Permit for professionals like chefs/ creative industries/ spiritual counselors /NPO
    TWV : 
     Regular work permit.
    Only employers can apply. 
    Application submitted under UWV.
     Permit for foreign nationals working in the Netherlands/ seasonal workers.


    GVVA  is a work permit category for non-EU/EEA nationals who already have a valid residence permit for another purpose like stay and allows them to work in the Netherlands.

    TWA  is a work permit category for non-EU/EEA nationals seeking employment in the Netherlands and requires a job offer from a Dutch employer.


    The difference between GVVA  and TWA lies in their respective immigration categories and eligibility requirements in the Netherlands:


    GVVA: GVVA is a work permit category that allows non-EU/EEA nationals to work in the Netherlands without a separate work visa. It applies to individuals who already have a valid residence permit for a different purpose, such as study or family reunification. With a GVVA, they can work part-time or full-time alongside their primary residence permit.

    TWA: TWA is a work permit category that applies to non-EU/EEA nationals seeking employment in the Netherlands. It is a specific work visa issued to individuals with a job offer from a Dutch employer. The TWA allows them to live and work in the Netherlands for the duration specified on the permit.

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