What are the additional health insurance at The Netherlands?


Answer ( 1 )

  1. Prithwik Raj

    Additional insurance coverage (aanvullende verzekering)
    You may also need to take out extra coverage for additional medical treatment. This is where private health insurance providers (zorgvezekeraars) compete to offer policies that are best tailored to your health needs and lifestyle.
    There are many health services that are (partially) covered by additional insurance, examples include:
    • Dental care for adults over 18 including dentist check-ups, fillings, hygiene, cleaning and dental implants
    • Emergency health care for travel abroad
    • Alternative medical treatments such as acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy (alternatieve geneeswijzen)
    • Vaccinations (vaccinaties)
    • Contraception (anticonceptie)
    • Glasses and contact lenses (brillen en lenzen)
    • Hearing aids (gehoorapparaten)
    • Plastic surgery (plastische chirurgie)

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