I am in the Netherlands and would like to extend my regular temporary residence permit, which expires soon. What should I do?


Answer ( 1 )

  1. Sunandha Prakash

    If you have a valid residence permit that can still be extended, you may not be eligible to extend it for specific purposes of stay, such as the Working Holiday Program, Cultural exchange, Au Pair, Stay as a trainee or student on work placement, or Orientation year in the Netherlands.  

     However, as long as you meet the requirements specified on the relevant web page for your residence permit, have a valid passport or travel document, have your primary residence in the Netherlands, pose no threat to public order or national security, and have provided accurate and complete information during your initial application, you may still be eligible to extend your residence permit. 

     You can also refer https://ind.nl/nl, the official Netherlands government site, to know more.  

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